Brad Harvey: Novice paddler prepares for his first Avon Descent!

Even though the Avon Descent is filled with seasoned competitors, it doesn’t stop novice athletes from attempting the gruelling 124km white water rafting race. Brad Harvey is one of these competitors.

Growing up in Western Australia, Brad had heard of the Avon Descent throughout the years, yet a busy life and constant travelling had prevented him from entering until this year.

Brad travelled across Australia to follow his wife, who was a nurse in the army. After having lived in Brisbane, Queensland for three years, they moved to Victoria for another nine months. In 2016, they finally moved back to Western Australia.

It was only during his stay in Victoria that Brad’s interest in kayaking was ignited as he lived close to the Murray River. Since then, his passion for kayaking has grown.

“I really love my river kayaking more than anything,” he says, “with WA’s wide range of scenic rivers – what’s not to love!”

Training will be difficult though as he has an eleven-month-old son, but Brad is not one to back down on a challenge, saying “I would love to prove them wrong.”

Even with this busy life, Brad still finds time to practice tennis as well. The 28-year old coaches at the local tennis club two days a week. Brad is very proud of this as he says, “there was like nothing at the tennis club in Harvey, but I sort of brought it back to life.

Brad is currently working in the juice production for Harvey Fresh, who will be sponsoring him this year. “I wouldn’t be able to afford the gear if it wasn’t for them,” he says.

We can’t wait to see you prove them all wrong. Good luck Brad!

