Doug Hodson • Sock it to Sarcoma!

Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I am retired from a career in engineering and management and I spend much of my time now in paddling either on the water or helping with administering the sport
How many Avon Descent’s have you competed in?
What makes you want to compete in the Avon Descent?
The exhilaration and challenge of paddling white water and the company of all the paddling friends who are participate
What are you looking forward to in 2018?
Training runs and shared experiences in the White Water with paddling friends, the accomplishment of completing the event and the lunch in the pub on the Monday afterwards
What would you say to someone who’s thinking about Taking the Plunge and entering the Avon Descent?
Have a stable boat, preferably a plastic surf ski. Buy clothing that is designed to keep you warm when immersed in water [wet suit options]. Train in the white water and the Ti trees to the point that you have a degree of competence in both. Establish basic paddling fitness. 
What’s a fun fact about yourself? 
I have a gel pad in my paddling shorts to protect me when I bump down the rapids not in the boat.
Anything else you would like to mention?
My partner [Graham McMahon] and I will be wearing pink bibs and sporting stickers on boat and paddle which say “Sock it to Sarcoma” in aid of a foundation which seeks to raise awareness for Sarcoma which is a rare, destructive, malignant cancer.
It typically affects young people. It is fatal for 40% of sufferers and many of the others lose limbs either completely or partially. Sock it to Sarcoma is a Perth based foundation which seeks to raises funds for research of the disease and care of patients. I personally am a survivor and have no sciatic nerve connection to my left leg as a result.
What are you waiting for? Take the Plunge!

